In October of 2015, the Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce partnered with the Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical Society, and the Leone Beach Park Advisory Council to host the first Sam Leone fundraiser at Towbar.
Pictured in this group photo are members of the Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce, Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical Society, Leone Beach Park Advisory Council, former Sam's Boys of the Leone Beach Jr. Lifeguards, owners and staff of Towbar, and members of the Rogers Park community.
Large vinyl poster of Sam Leone was printed by Sam Mistar of Premier Signs & Awnings.
#rogerspark #loverogerspark #jarvisavenue #jarvissquare #towbar #rogersparkchamberofcommerce #rpwrhs #rpcc #rogersparkwestridgehistoricalsociety #leonebeachparkadvisorycouncil #samsboys #leonebeachjrlifeguards #rogersparkcommunity #rogersparkfundraiser